Broadcast Phone Messages
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has developed systems and services that broadcast recorded phone messages (text and voice) to thousands of phones at once.
Sending church calls and phone messages can now be automatically performed using this technology from DSC.
Recorded phone notices can now be delivered to a congregation in a quick and efficient manner.
Register Online
Signing up is easy and can be completed in just a few minutes.
Once you have filled out this online service form and agree to our online terms and conditions, you are ready to activate your calling account. We accept major credit cards and can process this online.
Starting at just $25, our service is both affordable and reliable. Simply download your list of phone numbers and record a phone message using our 800 number service. Its that simple and you are ready to broadcast your message to your community.
DSC can also provide you with a written agreement that can be downloaded, printed and executed. Simply mail this agreement to DSC and a representaive will contact you about payments.
Call today at 602-265-5968.
Why Send Church Calls?
"Church call announcements are an important aspect of connecting with people who visit your church.
A Church that does not follow up with visitors is a church that most likely will find it difficult to have them return for another visit."
DSC provides calling services that can send church announcements such as welcome messages to new members of a congregation.
This same service can be used to broadcast phone messages announcing church events, request volunteers for special services, annouce special meetings and conduct membership drives.
Contact DSC Today!
Contact DSC to learn more about how to call church members.