Welcome Church Calls
When new members join a church or synagogue, it is important to acknowledge their choice and send a warm welcome message. This process can be automated using technology from Database Systems COrp. (DSC). Virtually all churches and religious organizations need to communicate effectively with members. This includes sending invitations to special events and services to new members in a timely manner.
DSC provides calling services that can send church calls such as welcome messages to new members of a congregation.
This same service can be used to broadcast church phone messages announcing membership drives and church events. Even emergency alerts and notices can also be delivered to a congregation in a quick and efficient manner.
DSC has developed advanced phone technology that can help churches maintain contact with existing members of a church or synagogue or can be used to contact new and prospective members.
Register Online For Church Welcoming Services
Signing up is easy and can be completed in just a few minutes.
Once you have filled out this online service form and agree to our online terms and conditions, you are ready to activate your calling account. We accept major credit cards and can process this completely online.
Starting at just $25, our service is both affordable and reliable. Simply download your list of phone numbers and record a phone message using our 800 number service. Its that simple and you are ready to broadcast your message to your community.
DSC can also provide you with a written agreement that can be downloaded, printed and executed. Simply mail this agreement to DSC and a representaive willl contact you about payments.
Contact DSC to learn more about our call church member notification services.
Ferguson Memorial Baptist Church
"In 1918, a band of faithful believers began meeting in homes and at the Ferguson Elementary School to worship and to witness. That same year, the Ferguson family donated a parcel of land for the purpose of building a church. Six years later, in 1924, our first building was erected in West Dunbar. The church was named Farm First Baptist Church and was pastored by The Reverend John Robert Brown, who served faithfully from 1924 to 1926." - www.fergusonbaptist.org
The Ferguson Memorial Baptist Church has contracted with Database Systems Corp. to provide phone message broadcasting services to its members. Messages are delivered to answering machines and individuals for event notification - especially church invitational and funeral announcements where there is a very short window of time to notify its membership.
Voice broadcast messages are also sent to church members for other special meetings and events.
Church Welcome Invitation Service Features
Automatic church welcome and church invitations and church phone announcements are becoming very popular and affordable. Instead of relying on publications which become quickly out of date and expensive, automatic phone messaging lets you contact your congregration quickly with one consistent message.
Even members who are at church regularly may not get the message about upcoming special events. The following are just a few of the applications for this economical church announcement service.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our church welcoming and church invitation calling services.